Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart

Isn't it interesting how we can all occupy the same planet but we each live in our own little worlds?
Some people live in worlds riddled with violence, poverty, crime, homelessness or uncertainty.     
Some people live in worlds filled with investment properties, payroll headaches, tee times & travel iteneraries.
Some people live in worlds filled with daycare, paydays, mortgages and late night baby-feedings.
Some people live in worlds filled with the uncertainty of illness or disease.
Some people live in worlds filled with health foods, training regiments and workaround schedules.
So many worlds and our situations aren't static.

I increasingly push to live in a world filled with simplicity.   Where a handshake between two people and a firm glance means more than a contract.   Where a friend can help another without being asked.  Where deadlines give way to family time.   Where we sit and commune at the table and not on the couch on TV trays. Where smartphones stay down when you are with friends.  Where I'm not deemed to be hellbound for having a dark beer with my steak @ dinner.  Where I can pick up a hitchhiker just for the opportunity to meet a new person, free of criminal concerns.

But... we don't all live in the same world, do we?